SSI Joins Forces with ReCoDID

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Earlier this year SSI joined forces with ReCoDID (‘Reconciliation of Cohort data in Infectious Diseases’) a global, multidisciplinary team assembled to fast track the research response to viruses and other pathogens by facilitating data and sample sharing between infectious disease cohort studies.

ReCoDID seeks to develop a sustainable model for the storage and analyses of the complex data sets collected by infectious disease (ID)-related cohorts. By combining groundbreaking work on data sharing in public health emergencies, equitable sample sharing, and statistical methods for leveraging high-dimensional laboratory data in the context of high levels of heterogeneity and limited sample sizes with long-term investments in cloud-computing and OMICS data curation to develop and implement a new model for collaborative research in epidemic response.

We are excited to continue forward with this project into 2020 and see what advancements the new year will bring!

Learn more about the ReCoDID project at: